Tuesday, May 1, 2012


"So, may I plead with anyone out there who may need to hear this - do not idolize that which you don't have.  Coveting and envy is the energy of ignoring whatever it is that you have.  It's the energy of desiring to have your circumstances (or other people) control your wellness.  If you find yourself idolizing someone else's life or marriage, let that be a gentle reminder to you to reassess.

And, if you covet anything, covet character.  Rejoice in someone else's good marriage and wisdom and say:  I will learn from them; I will follow their path; I will use my own marriage to develop those skills & virtues for myself.  You can develop character no matter what state your spouse is in, no matter what your spouse does.  If you choose to pursue virtues, you'll come out on top."  
-Mara found here

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