Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Words are Things

"Do you want to know why I’m religious? It’s because of moments like this that I experienced before I was religious. Long before I learned that the Hebrew word for “word” is the same as the word for “thing”. Long before I learned about keilim (vessels) and the ohr (light) they contain.
Maya Angelou spoke this truth and it resonated with me. Resonated with me because it’s something we all know is true even if we don’t acknowledge it. We try to pretend our words aren’t powerful, they don’t have something inherently strong in them that make them just as strong as a sledgehammer or food or poison or medicine, depending on how we use them. We don’t want to admit it, because it’s scary. Scary to think that every word we say is a thing. A deed.
But the truth is, when we accept this reality, when we go deep within ourselves and admit the power of words, when we’re careful with the words we use and deliberate with the way we present them, we have even more power than we had before. A tool is only truly powerful if we’re aware that we wield it." -Elad Nahorai

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