Monday, January 14, 2013

Breaking Before You Bloom

By Ollin Morales 

It is clear to me that in the transition from Winter to Spring, nature must shatter.

Since we, ourselves, are a part of nature, our own transition from life’s Winter to life’s Spring must begin with a type of shattering as well.

We must break.

We must yawn and stretch. Our insides must be torn asunder. Our minds must pop. Our intestines must squeeze. Our eyes must bulge.

Before our new selves can bloom, we must explode, we must break, we must shatter, we must thaw…

The first step down a new path must, evidently, cut away at the old path—and that cutting hurts. It takes a lot out of us, and we are exhausted.
What can comfort us at this point of our journey is knowing that this is all normal: nature goes through a similar process in the beginning of Spring.

Everything in nature breaks before it blooms. The frozen pond shatters before it can flow freely again. The bud of a rose cracks before it opens. The sun stabs at the moon right before it rises.
So it is with nature, so it is with you.

Every new chapter in your life must begin with a break between two pages. A blank space with no words, no sentences, no paragraphs, no development in your story—just a long break that interrupts all action in an intrusive and almost jarring manner.

This break is wide and it is long and, yes, as your eyes float across this break, you may be filled with worry and anxiety as to what will happen next.

But do not worry.
In the Spring of your life, when things begin to break, it does not spell doom. It just means that a new you is about to bloom.
much love,
Ollin Morales

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